Reflections of my Day
As I begin my day, I become conscious of the thoughts which run through my head. What is my mood? Where am I focusing my thoughts and...
Awaken to your Truth
A snow flower spoke to me today, Her radiant beauty defied the cold and ice which surrounded her. She encouraged me to go inward to find...
In Celebration of Knowing you
Our lives are interwoven in a beautiful and magical way, We are held together in a bond of energy and love, My heart connects to your...
Opening to Magic
Our perspective on life is often the anchor to the situations we find ourselves in. We keep telling ourselves the same story over and...
Grounding your Energy to Increase Vitality
There is an old Chinese proverb which says “When you have a disease do not try to cure it. Find your center and you will be healed.” This...
Shifting our Focus
When I took this photograph, I was noticing the contrast between the barbed wire and the sunburst. The barbed wire represented to me our...
Embracing Miracles
What is a miracle but you mind aligning with the truth your Soul already knows. A truth so embraced, that it has no choice but to...
Reflections from your Soul
You will not find the answers to your heart’s deepest questions in your mind, For your mind is like the river, ever changing, ever...
Whispers from your Soul
I hear the Whispers of your Soul my friend, they are yearning to be to be heard. Can you feel the gentle pulling of your heart strings?...
Finding Courage
A beautiful waterfall, a symbol of spiritual power and strength, it speaks to me about releasing our fears, moving through the obstacles...