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  • Certified Natural Health Consultant

  • Intuitive Health Coach

  • Certified Herbalist 

  • Bioptron Color and Light Therapist 

  • Quantum Touch Practitioner

  • Certified Sound Healing Practitioner 

  • Ordained Minister

  • In business since 1990

All Consultations are done by phone, please contact me to schedule an appointment, 


Lyman, South Carolina





My name is Valerie Greguire. I am a Natural Health Consultant and Certified Herbalist. I have been studying, sharing, and teaching concepts of natural health for 40 years. This has been an incredible journey and a very rewarding career. 

My goal is to share my knowledge and enlighten you to concepts in healing that you may not be familiar with. I want to help you understand these ideas so you can put them into action in order to improve your health. 


When you choose to make changes to your diet and lifestyle, make changes in what you view as possible in the realm of healing and take supplements to nourish and repair your body, it is possible to activate the healing response within you! It is such a joy to see a person's life change when they are able to overcome their health concerns and improve their quality of life. 

I hope to see you gain confidence and understanding so that you can reach out to friends, family and acquaintances to spread the news on how embracing the energy of healing can change their lives as well.


Sincerely, Valerie Greguire                           

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Thank you for contacting me. I should respond to your message in 1-3 business days.

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