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Awakening your Inner Voice: A Guide to Intuitive Living

In a world filled with noise and distractions, reconnecting with our inner voice can feel like rediscovering a forgotten language. This inner voice, our intuition, is a natural ability that all of us are born with, and like a seedling, it waits to be nurtured and watered so it can grow. Your intuition is always speaking to you, in subtle voices, images, gut instincts and physical sensations. While your five senses allow you to interact with the physical world, your intuition allows you to interact with the invisible world of energy and information. Like using binoculars, your intuition brings clarity and focus to what you are seeing in your life.


Intuition is a form of direct knowing; with intuition, you do not use your linear mind to figure something out. If the “gears” of your mind are turning at a fast pace, and “smoke is coming out of your ears “, you are not accessing your intuition. With intuition you learn to notice your first thoughts or impressions, and you notice how your physical body responds, and you look for the “aha moments” that draw your attention. There is a saying that helps you to know if you are connected to your intuition: “the mind chatters, intuition whispers”. I often have a sense of peace and joy when I connect with my intuition. To connect with your intuition quiet your mind, move into a place of inner peace and be very neutral about what you are observing. When you hold back the need for a certain expectation, and let go of emotion, you allow the unseen to unfold in clarity before you. 

Recently, I revisited The Light: The Book of Knowing by Keidi Keating, and particularly enjoyed a chapter on nurturing intuition. One section on this topic stood out, so I’ve paraphrased some key points below, adding my own insights to help guide you in nurturing your intuitive abilities.

1.      Open Your Heart to Love – Release judgment toward yourself and others. When we judge, we remain trapped in an ego-driven view of life. Move into your heart and shift into compassion instead. Practice understanding the "why" behind others' actions. As you connect with their hearts, you open yourself to receiving intuitive insights about them to better understand their actions. This gives you an opportunity to respond to them with love instead of with an ego-driven defensive reaction.  

2.      Quiet Your Mind – Intuition speaks softly, often in images, feelings, or fleeting thoughts. If your mind is racing, you may miss its subtle guidance. Quieting the mind can be nurtured through meditation, prayer, a walk in nature, watching the clouds, gardening, drawing, or simply sitting outside for 5–10 minutes with your eyes closed, listening to the sounds around you.

3.      Cultivate Gratitude – Take moments during the day to hold gratitude in your heart. Gratitude brings you into your heart space, allowing you to access intuitive guidance more easily. Embrace gratitude by recognizing the blessings and lessons in each situation. Remember, each experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.

4.      Expand Your Awareness – Allow yourself to connect with the infinite possibilities around you. Go outside in the evening and gaze at the stars, letting your energy merge with creation. This sense of expansion opens you to wisdom beyond your individual world, enabling you to receive deeper insights.

5.      Listen to Your Body – Your body communicates its needs to you daily, helping guide you toward optimal health. Tune in, pausing to rest and rejuvenate when needed. Notice how different foods and beverages affect you. Our cells are constantly signaling us—take the time to listen.

6.      Seek Answers – Intuition deepens when you seek understanding. If you feel a strong emotion, quiet your mind, focus on your heart, and ask yourself why. For example, if you feel anger, ask, “Why am I feeling this way?” Then listen for an answer. If clarity doesn’t come right away, ask again later or invite insights through dreams. Be open to signs or synchronicities that may lead you toward understanding.

7.      Notice What You Notice – Nothing is truly random; everything is energy interacting with energy, like ripples from a pebble dropped in water. Pay attention to the small things that attract you, as they may be synchronicities—the subtle signals that reveal life’s interconnectedness. Noticing these patterns can be both fun and deeply meaningful, offering you glimpses into how energy flows through your life.

8.      Allow – Embrace openness to the Universe and let it respond to your questions, needs, and desires. The Universe seeks to engage with you, creating a kind of “symphony” in collaboration with your intentions. Set aside any limitations on what you believe is possible and allow more to unfold.

9.      Nourish Your Body – Choose foods that are naturally full of life-giving energy. Intuition operates on a high-frequency level, so to tune into it, we must consciously raise our vibration by consuming nourishing, healthful foods.

10. Allow for Change – Be open to transformation in thoughts, habits, and emotions that no longer serve your highest good. As you raise your frequency, you might find that certain people, places, or routines no longer resonate. Release these elements with gratitude for the role they’ve played, acknowledging your journey to new growth. If you must interact with certain people, seek neutral settings—like meeting for a friendly lunch—and gently steer away from negative conversations. Your transformation might even inspire those around you to grow as well.

11. Desire a Life of Connection – Aspire to connect deeply with your innermost self, develop your intuition, and align your heart, mind, and spirit. Learn to see beyond the physical to the unseen energy of life. Embrace this as the beginning of a thrilling new journey!

Reflecting on these practices and incorporating them into your life will help you nurture and deepen your intuition, fostering a greater connection to your inner wisdom.


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