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Guided by the Wind: The Message of a Single Leaf

There’s a leaf on my shelf, displayed alongside other precious things. At first glance, it might seem like an ordinary, unimpressive dried leaf. But it holds a story, and I’m here to share it with you.

This leaf came from the only oak tree of its kind in our yard, standing at the edge of the property, perfectly aligned with the morning sun. She has witnessed many breathtaking sunrises, her silhouette capturing the essence of Nature and its ever-changing faces. If I were a child again, I would have loved to climb her branches, each one offering a perfect perch for sitting, pondering, and daydreaming. In stormy weather, she dances gracefully with the wind, rarely losing a branch. She lets the wind move through her, rather than resisting it.

It’s no surprise, then, that her leaves are also protected in a remarkable way. When Hurricane Helene passed through our yard with a force I had never felt before, it was both terrifying and exhilarating to experience such power. After the storm, the temperatures dropped, and we needed to turn on the heat. My husband, ever the good steward of our home, went out to check the propane levels. When he lifted the lid to inspect the gauges, he found this very leaf, nestled quietly within. The oak tree stands a good 100 feet from the tank, the small opening this leaf had to pass through to find shelter during the storm seemed almost impossible to imagine. Yet there it was, having been carried on by the fierce winds to a place of safety.

Blessings come in all shapes and sizes—some so subtle they can be easily overlooked if we aren’t paying attention. Holding this lone leaf, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the message it carried: even in the worst storms of our lives, we are guided, protected, and cared for. Trust and have faith. Nothing in life happens by chance. There are meanings in every moment, messages waiting to be discovered. Our journey isn’t just about personal transformation; it touches the lives of others, just as this leaf has touched mine.  A simple leaf, yet so profound. The mysteries of the Creator often reveal themselves when we need them most, in ways we never expect.

copyright 2024 Restoring Light, all rights reserved

Photos by Valerie Greguire, all rights reserved


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