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The Unfolding Magic of Creation

Creation unveils the harmony and balance within the flow of life around us. Contemplate the beauty of the sunflower as she stands tall, ever tracing the sun’s journey in the sky. In the beautiful pattern of her swirling petals, we find secrets whispered of the complexities of life. Ever unfolding in layers of grace, the energy of creation is revealed within her petals. Pause a moment to ponder the pattern of her beautiful mandala which creates a Fibonacci swirl of seeds, revealing to us the sacred geometry hidden in life.

Throughout the cycle of her life, she grows and reaches for the sun, always turning gently to align herself with the light. As she blossoms and stretches toward the sun, she shares her sweet nectar and pollen with the numerous insects that seek her nourishment, a way to share her gifts and feed others. As her growth cycle concludes, she bows her head, her petals gently wilting. Yet, this is not the end but a new beginning. Look closely, and you will see seeds are forming - arranged in a Fibonacci swirl, she reveals to us the sacred geometry hidden in creation. Each seed holds the promise of new life to come forth continuing the cycle of creation.

We, too, must mirror this process to reach our full potential. May we reach for our visions and goals, ever mindful to align ourselves with the guiding light within us. As we cultivate our own gifts and talents through the seasons of life, we are called to share them with those who travel alongside us on this journey. In this mutual exchange, we illuminate the world together. With each creation we bring forth, we should take time to pause and reflect on what we have made. For seeds are forming, and we have learned much in this process, growing and developing new talents and knowledge. From this, we create the seeds that will bring forth our next creation. This is the beauty and harmony of the flow of life - embrace it, cherish it.

In closing, maybe we hold gratitude each time we gaze upon the beauty of the sunflower for the messages and vibrant petals of light she shares with us. May we join her in this beautiful dance of creation as we journey forward together.

Blessings, Valerie

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Photos by Valerie Greguire, all rights reserved


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