Under the Surface
You moved through my life, always encouraging my visions and goals,
You felt that you were a follower, I saw in you as a leader,
You never stirred the waters, you kept things very calm,
You looked for simple joys and marveled in anything new.
Then one day, like a bird taking a flight to migrate to another land, you left.
And I found, that instead of you leaving my life, your presence unfolded everywhere.
Everywhere I turned I heard your words,
I felt you supporting me when I felt down,
I realized then, how much presence you had held,
not just in my life, but in the lives of all those you had met.
Not all of us wear our colors on the surface for all to see,
for it is beneath the surface of our exterior that our hidden beauty lies.
I took this photograph and I saw your spirit in it.
And so, I honor you, with this memory,
I thank you for being such a wonderful friend,
I will never forget the love you gave to me,
And I send you blessings on your new journey.
Until we meet again,
Your friend, Valerie
In Loving Memory and Honor of my friend Jean Squires
March 29, 1953 – March 25, 2021
Copyright Restoring Light 2021, all rights reserved
Photo by Valerie Greguire, all rights reserved